(Please note that the fish shown in the photo is only a representative of what an adult specimen would look like. The color may vary based on the age and sex of the fish you receive.)
Scientific Name: Helostoma temmincki
Common Name: Kissing Fish, Pink Kissing Gourami
Adult Size: 10 - 12 inches
Life Expectancy: 5 years
Habitat: South East Asia
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallon
Ideal Tank Conditions:
- Temperature Range: 72 - 82°F
- pH Range: 6 - 8
- Water Hardness: 5 - 20
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet & Nutrition: Will take many types of foods, including flakes, pellets, freeze dried and especially live foods.
Breeding & Spawning: Do not build elaborate bubble nests, although the male may blow bubbles randomly at the surface. If floating plants or lettuce are placed on the surface before spawning, the eggs will adhere to them. The parent fish should be removed following spawning, as they may eat their own young.
Gender: Can not be determined by external features.