(Please note that the fish shown in the photo is only a representative of what an adult specimen would look like. The color may vary based on the age and sex of the fish you receive.)
Scientific Name: Corydoras sterbai
Common Name: Sterba's Cory
Adult Size: 3 inches
Life Expectancy: 3 - 4 years
Habitat: Bolivia and Brazil
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Ideal Tank Conditions:
- Temperature Range: 70 - 77° F
- pH Range: 6.0 - 7.6
- Hardness Range: 1 - 15
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet & Nutrition: Omnivorous and easy to feed. Use a good quality sinking pellet or tablet as the staple diet. Supplement this with live and frozen foods such as Daphnia, Artemia and similar.
Breeding & Spawning: Non guarder, brood hider. They will not tend the eggs.
Gender: Like most corys, it’s easily sexed when viewed from above. Females are noticeably rounder and broader-bodied than males, especially when full of eggs. They’re often also slightly larger.