What Are Internal Parasites?
Internal parasites are tiny creatures that live inside the body of fish. There are many different types of internal parasites, and they can affect fish of all sizes. Some common types of internal parasites include flukes, tapeworms, and nematodes.
Internal parasites can cause a wide variety of symptoms in fish. Some common symptoms to watch out for include:
- Flashing or rubbing against objects
- Loss of appetite
- Clamped fins
- Lethargy
- Excessive mucus production
- Weight loss
A complete guide to internal parasites
What are they?
Internal parasites are tiny creatures that live inside the body of fish.
Common types: Flukes, Tapeworms, Nematodes.
- Rubbing against objects
- Loss of appetite
- Clamped fins
Lasting effects
- Internal organ damage
Treatment options
- Salt Bath
- Medications
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How Do Internal
Parasites Affect Fish?
Internal parasites can cause a wide variety of problems for fish. They can damage the internal organs, including the liver and kidneys. In some cases, internal parasites can even be fatal.
How to Treat Internal Parasites
There are a few different ways to treat internal parasites in fish. One common treatment is using freshwater baths with salt added. The salt helps to kill the parasites.
Another option is using medication such as praziquantel or metronidazole. If you are treating your fish for internal parasites, be sure to follow the instructions on the package carefully and get further advice from a qualified fish expert.