(Please note that the fish shown in the photo is only a representative of what an adult specimen would look like. The color may vary based on the age and sex of the fish you receive.)
Scientific Name: Poecilia wingei
Common Name: Endler's Livebearer, ELB, Endler, Endler Guppy, Cumana Guppy, Campoma Guppy
Adult Size: 2 inches
Life Expectancy: 2 - 3 years
Habitat: Venezuala
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
Ideal Tank Conditions:
- Temperature Range: 75 - 81°F
- pH Range: 5.5 - 8.0
- Water Hardness: 10 - 20
Temperament: Peaceful and hardy fish that is good for beginners.
Diet & Nutrition: Flakes, freeze dried and live foods. Vary their diet for optimum colors and health.
Breeding & Spawning: Livebearers and not very hard to breed. If you have males and females, chances are you will eventually have guppy babies. Parents will eat their young if not separated.
Gender: The male is colorful and slender, whereas the female is silvery tan with a rounded abdomen.